Rochester Piano Teachers' Guild/NYSMTA Dist. 12
Gold Cup Festival
The Noteworthy Achievers Award
Students often reach the junior and senior year of high school and would like to continue participating in auditions, but do not have enough audition years left to acquire the points necessary to earn the next cup in their sequence.
The Noteworthy Achievers Award was created to meet the needs of this age group, offering high school juniors and seniors the opportunity to continue performing in an adjudicated event.
Upon receiving a Superior Rating, the Noteworthy Achiever will receive a festival Superior Rating Certificate and an engraved Noteworthy Achievers Trophy for either their Junior or Senior Award.
Students can participate in both Junior and Senior years of high school.
The audition level should be noted as NAA (Noteworthy Achievers Award) on the student estimate and application.
The audition level should follow closely with advancement of previous audition levels. An example might be that a Sophomore completing a cup sequence at the Intermediate 1 level should advance to repertoire matching the Intermediate 2 level for the Junior Award.
Noteworthy Achiever applicants should follow all other festival guidelines.