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Honors Recitals


From all solo or duet auditions, judges are requested to select a minimum of 45 and a maximum of 60 students who have achieved a superior rating, to recommend they be recognized as Honors Students, and to invite them to perform in an Honors Recital at Nazareth College, which is usually one week after auditions.

This is an exciting event and a very big honor for our students! 


* Judges have no access to information about students such as the teacher, educational institution, or years studied.  The selections are made upon the evaluation of the audition and decision-making between the two judges in each audition room.

* Each selected student’s teacher will be notified by email the day after auditions are completed. The teacher must provide the timed length of the student's piece.

* The teacher will be responsible for all communication between the recital organizers and the students and families in a timely manner so there is enough time to program recitals and prepare printed programs.


* There are typically three recitals to accommodate the number of students selected. Each recital is limited to approximately one hour.


* Students who are unable to perform in the Honors Recitals will still receive a certificate of recognition.


* Recital attire is expected for all performers.


* Families are required to remain in the performance hall during the entire recital time.     

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